Zaida Bibiana Mangones Matos | Afi U.

Zaida Bibiana Mangones Matos


Zaida is a dynamic and highly qualified trilingual trainer, facilitator and coach that is considered as catalyst for individual and collective transformational processes.

She cumulates more than 20 years of experience in various companies, from Latin America to Canada, in the sectors of health, education, employability and human resources.

Not only is she graduated as a certified coach from the Edgenda/Mozaik Coaching School, but she also holds a major in career development (UQAM), a 2nd cycle university degree in epidemiology and an undergraduate medical doctorate from outside of Quebec. She is known for positive energy, her systemic vision, the quality of her presence and her ability to create bonds of trust.

As an experienced trilingual trainer at AFI expertise, she accompanies individuals, managers and professionals of all experience levels. She helps them to raise awareness and mobilize themselves to achieve their goals in an authentic, open and interactive learning space. She has trained several hundred people in skill development mainly in on human capital, management and leadership matter.