VMware Aria Automation: Install, Configure, Manage - Training Courses | Afi U.

VMware Aria Automation: Install, Configure, Manage

Learn how to describe, configure and manage VMware Aria Automation entities
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  • Duration: 5 days
  • Regular price: On request

Course outline

Duration : 5 days

© AFI par Edgenda inc.


System administrators and system integrators responsible for designing, implementing, and managing VMware Aria Automation


This course requires that a student be able to perform the following tasks with no assistance or guidance before enrolling in this course:

  • Create VMware vCenter® objects, such as data centers and folders
  • Create a virtual machine using a wizard or a template
  • Modify a virtual machine’s hardware


By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

  • Describe the VMware Aria Automation architecture and use cases in cloud environments
  • Manage VMware Aria Automation entities on VMware and third-party virtual and cloud infrastructures
  • Install VMware Aria Automation with VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
  • Configure and manage cloud accounts, projects, flavor mappings, image mappings, network profiles, storage profiles, volumes, tags, and services
  • Create, modify, manage, and deploy VMware Aria Automation Templates
  • Connect to a Kubernetes cluster and manage namespaces
  • Customize services and virtual machines with cloudConfig and cloudbase-init
  • Configure and manage VMware Aria Automation Consumption
  • Configure and manage ABX actions, custom properties, event broker subscriptions, and VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator workflows
  • Describe the key services of VMware Cloud Automation Services™
  • Use VMware Aria Automation Config to configure and deploy systems
  • Use logs and CLI commands to monitor and troubleshoot VMware Aria Automation


1 Course Introduction
  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Course objectives
2 VMware Aria Automation Overview and Architecture
  • Describe the purpose and functionality of VMware Aria Automation
  • Describe the VMware Aria Automation architecture
  • Describe the use of VMware Workspace ONE Access™
  • Describe the relationship between Kubernetes clusters, container, and VMware Aria Automation services
  • Identify the key services offered by VMware Aria Automation
3 Installing VMware Aria Automation
  • List the different VMware Aria Automation deployment types
  • Describe the purpose of Easy Installer
  • Describe the VMware Aria Automation installation process
4 Authentication and Authorization
  • Identify the steps to integrating Workspace ONE® with Active Directory
  • Describe the features of Workspace ONE
  • Describe the user roles available in VMware Aria Automation
  • Identify the key tasks performed by each user role
  • Define custom roles
  • Configure branding and multitenancy
5 Basic Initial Configuration
  • Create a basic configuration with a cloud account, cloud zone, project, flavor mapping, and image mapping
6 VMware Aria Automation Templates
  • Configure and deploy a basic VMware Aria Automation template
  • Create a VMware Aria Automation template that can run on any cloud
  • Use cloudConfig and cloudbase-init to run commands, create users, and install software
  • Use YAML for inputs, variables, and conditional deployments
7 Tags
  • Configure tags
  • Describe different types of tags
  • Manage tags
8 Storage Configuration
  • Configure storage profiles
  • Use tags and storage profiles
9 Integrating NSX With VMware Aria Automation
  • List the capabilities and use cases of VMware NSX®
  • Describe the NSX architecture and components
  • Integrate NSX with VMware Aria Automation
  • List the supported network profiles in VMware Aria Automation
  • Use the NSX components to design a multitier application with VMware Aria Automation Templates
  • Identify the network and security options available in design canvas
  • Create and manage on-demand networks and security groups
  • Configure NSX Day 2 actions
10 Integrating with Public Clouds
  • Configure and use VMware Cloud Foundation™ accounts
  • Configure and use an AWS cloud account
  • Configure and use an Azure cloud account
  • Configure and use a Google Cloud Platform cloud account
11 Using VMware Aria Automation Consumption
  • Release a VMware Aria Automation template
  • Define content source and content sharing
  • Define VMware Aria Automation policy enforcement
  • Use custom forms for catalog items
12 VMware Aria Automation Extensibility
  • Describe VMware Aria Automation extensibility
  • Use event topics
  • Create a subscription
  • Call a VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator workflow
  • Create ABX actions
13 Using Kubernetes Clusters
  • Describe Kubernetes
  • Connect to an existing Kubernetes Cluster
14 Using VMware Aria Automation Config for Configuration Management
  • Describe VMware Aria Automation Config
  • Use VMware Aria Automation Config for software deployment
  • Use VMware Aria Automation Config for configuration management
  • Use VMware Aria Automation Config with event-driven orchestration
15 VMware Aria Automation Troubleshooting and Integration
  • Demonstrate how to monitor deployment history
  • Demonstrate basic troubleshooting
  • Execute CLI commands
  • Explain how to Collect logs
  • Describe integration with VMware Aria Operations for Logs
  • Describe integration with VMware Aria Operations

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Marco Plante
Marco Plante
Certified Trainer and IT consultant
Certified VMware and Microsoft instructor, Marco Plante enthusiastically shares his advanced IT skills.

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