High-level object design with UML 2

Get a high-level view of your architecture with this course. Master the use of standard UML 2 notation and the maintainability of your diagrams.
Private session

This training is available in a private or personalized format. It can be provided in one of our training centres or at your offices. Call one of our consultants of submit a request online.

Call now at 1 877 624.2344

  • Duration: 2 days
  • Regular price: On request

Course outline

L'importance de la vision de haut niveau d'une architecture.

Durée : 2 jours

Public concerné

Analystes, concepteurs, architectes, programmeurs et gestionnaires impliqués en développement.



Ce cours vise à utiliser de façon pratique la notation standard UML2 et de maintenir facilement vos diagrammes dans vos projets.

Méthode pédagogique

Exposés - Démonstrations - Exercices dirigés et individuels.


  • Buts, impacts et importance d’UML dans le développement objet et agile
  • Modèle statique : diagrammes de classes, classes, associations, agrégations, propriétés, stéréotypes, etc.
  • Modèle opératoire : préconditions, postconditions et invariants
  • Modèle dynamique : diagrammes de séquence, de communication, d’états et d’activités
  • Analyse systémique (packages et spécification des classes) et conception (définition de l’architecture et diagrammes de composants et de déploiement)
  • Réalisation : règles de traduction des modèles vers un langage objet
  • Présentation des différentes vues et des meilleures pratiques dans l’utilisation des diagrammes UML
  • Étude de cas et exercices
  • Lignes directrices et conseils pratiques pour un usage pragmatique et facilement maintenable dans les projets

Surround yourself with the best

Michel de Champlain
Michel de Champlain
Architect and Creator of the B# Language
Animated by a passion that captivates, stimulates and gets participants involved, Michel is an enthusiastic and authentic trainer.
Frédéric Paradis
Frédéric Paradis
Certified Trainer and Cloud Architect
As a certified Microsoft trainer, Frédéric describes himself as a Cloud magician who easily navigates the mythical space between technology and reality.
Marc Maisonneuve
Marc Maisonneuve
Training program director
Marc Maisonneuve has acted as a Training Program Director, professional effectiveness trainer and user tools practice leader at AFI for several years. Mr. Maisonneuve is known for his analytical skills, his legendary calm and his undeniable desire to encourage people to develop their skills. He has the ability to present technological solutions in a natural way and to adapt them to the concrete needs of the workplace.
Vicky Moreau
Vicky Moreau
Vicky Moreau is a passionate freelancer and professional in the area of office automation. She holds a college diploma in office automation, most of her solid experience with the Office Suite was acquired while being an autodidact. In fact, she has successfully completed an MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Excel certification.